Limb Lengthening by MTN Plus Method

The MTN Plus method is an updated version of the MTN method, and in this method removing the external screw can be done by patients. That means patients are no longer required to come back to Iran for screw removal. (The old MTN method required patients to come back to Iran for screw removal.)

Walking and daily life is much easier with limb lengthening by the MTN method.

In the MTN limb lengthening method (Manual Telescopic Nail), a telescopic nail is inserted into the bone, and a small screw is placed outside the foot. Since there is only one external screw, it is much easier to walk and live with it. In addition, less pain is felt than the LON limb lengthening surgery method. This method is performed only in Iran and at the International limb lengthening center of Iran.

Limb Lengthening by MTN

Supplementary information about the MTN method:

In the MTN method of limb lengthening, a telescopic nail is used. This nail is inserted into the bone, and a small screw is placed outside the foot. This telescopic nail is manually adjusted. There is only one tiny external screw in this method. Walking and everyday life is much more comfortable with it. Also, because no pin is passed through the foot, it is less painful even during the lengthening.

In this method, a telescopic nail is inserted into the volunteer’s tibia or femur, and the augmented screw is placed outside the tibia or femur. The volunteer will be given a maximum lengthening of 1 mm daily. At the end of the lengthening period for the MTN method, the screw can be removed by the patients (Updated: March 2024). However, in LON limb lengthening surgery, the external fixation is removed using another surgery.

In some people, sleeplessness or even insomnia occurs for a period, and that can be controlled with appropriate medications.

In the MTN method, special braces may be used as a night splint or when the person is resting to spend less energy on lengthening tendons.

The amount of pain varies from person to person, but what is certain is that doing stretching exercises can significantly reduce it.

Because the strength and diameter of the nail are more significant, the person’s ability to walk the day after surgery is much more significant and is generally a more advanced method.

This method was invented and made by Dr. Motallebizadeh in Iran. This nail is made of titanium. This Nail competes with nails made in the United States and Germany.

How much does MTN limb lengthening surgery cost?

Since this nail is designed and produced completely in Iran, it has a lower price in comparison with other methods that use Telescopic nails.

If the person decided to grow taller with one surgery (6cm tibia or up to 7cm on the femur) The MTN method costs 35.000 USD. If the patient decided to grow taller in two surgery (6cm on the tibia and 7cm on the femur) the price will be 70,000 USD. For more details about pricing visit our price page.

Suggested to study: limb lengthening surgery by LATN method

MTN limb lengthening Benefits:

  • Ability to walk a day after surgery;
  • Ability to do personal work during the distraction phase;
  • In some jobs, by using this method, there is a possibility of driving and attending work from the third week after surgery;
  • Possibility to lengthening up to 7 cm (Femur only) (Jan 2024);
  • The increasing external screw is simply removed by the patient (March 2024);
  • Daily psychological counseling, before surgery, during the distraction phase, and afterward until the complete normalization of the physical condition;
  • Cost is less than similar limb lengthening methods like precice.
  • It is always possible to get in touch with people who have had surgery in previous years and benefit from their experiences before surgery.

Important points in MTN limb lengthening surgery:

  • In this method, you should be careful that the increased screw in the MTN is completely dry and well-dressed.
  • The adherence to individual hygiene and cleanness of the increased screw-in MTN is essential.
  • In some people, sleeplessness or even insomnia sometimes occurs, which can be controlled with appropriate medications.
  • The MTN method special braces may be used as a night splint or when the person is resting to spend less energy on lengthening tendons.
  • The amount of pain varies from person to person, but what is certain is that doing stretching exercises can significantly reduce it.

The successful experience of limb lengthening by MTN method, volunteering from Norway:

Hi, I am 18 years old, and I come from Norway. My height is 1 meter and 59 centimeters. I weigh 51 kg. I came to Iran for limb lengthening surgery. I made an appointment with Dr. Motallebizadeh. I talked to him about this surgery. Today is the 5th of Bahman 1398. I want to increase my height by 8 cm.

Because I also had varus knees( genu varum ), it was decided to correct this varus during MTN surgery. I was very nervous the day before the surgery. After the operation, I had a little pain, which increased until the afternoon. But the pain later subsided.

I did not think I could walk the day after surgery, or that walking caused pain. But I went and did not feel pain. Four times a day, through the screw outside the leg, I increased a quarter of a millimeter height, 1 mm per day.

I am happy with the facilities I have provided. At the end of the distraction phase, when my height increased by 8 cm, the height increase screws were removed in the office.

If you’d like more information, you can contact the international center for LIMB LENGTHENING IN IRAN.

22 thoughts on “Limb Lengthening by MTN Plus Method”

  1. hello can you please answer the question regarding MTN

    How much weight can the nail bear?
    How many patients had screw site infection? And how did they recover?
    Can the screw be used to reverse the lengthening if needed for example in the case of non-fusion?
    How much do patients lengthen per day? And how long does it take ?
    Is the nail only available for tibia lengthening?

    1. Hello, Thank you for contacting us. of course.
      The MTN nail weight bearing is 50 KG.
      Screw site infection occurs rarely in patients and it’s superficial. In this situation, medicine is used.
      Yes, the screw can be used to reverse to improve bone formation.
      Patients will undergo a maximum daily lengthening of 1 mm during the lengthening period for the Femur or 0.75 mm for the Tibia.
      The duration of the lengthening period depends on the desired increase, typically spanning three to four months for an increase of 6 cm to 8 cm.
      Yes, the nail can be used to lengthen the Tibia or Femur.

  2. Hello, Can you perform Quadrilateral Lengthening with the MTN method?

    Also, consider uploading more videos on YouTube to enhance visibility, as it seems “The International Limb Lengthening Center of IRAN” is not widely recognized

    1. Hello. since 2024 we no longer offer Quadrilateral Lengthening with the MTN method. If you want to increase your height up to 13 cm you should do two separate surgery. 6cm on the tibia and 7 cm on the femur.

  3. Hello, I had a question, I am 18 years old, my height is 171 and my gender is male, I wanted to know if there is still a way to increase height other than surgery?

    1. اHello, You should first do the necessary tests and make sure of the conditions of your growth plates. If your growth plates are closed, there is no other option but to have limb lengthening surgery. You can visit an orthopedic specialist to perform growth plate imaging tests.

  4. رکورد طول افزایش قدتون چقدره تا چه قدر تونیستین افزایش قد روی مجموع ران و ساق انجام بدین

    1. Nader Motallebizadeh

      به دلیل بالابردن ایمنی حداکثر افزایش قد محدود شده است اما در گذشته تا 11 سانتی متر روی ساق هم انجام شده است.

  5. آیا اصلاح کوتاهی یک پا جهت درمان لنگیدن شامل بیمه میشه که هزینه کمتر بشه؟

  6. I do have a query doctor when height increases there will be a disproportion in the body i meant long legs short arms and the structure of the body will be different how can this be addressed though i would like to increase my height with the surgery am 27 year old female i wanted height of 5’2

    1. Nader Motallebizadeh

      We first examine the situation thoroughly. Just as the length of the arms is important, the length of the upper body is also important. If the height increase surgery on the legs disrupts this proportion, we do not recommend this surgery. You can send us a standing photo of yourself on WhatsApp so that we can review it.

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